“The Pick of the Week is: <drum roll>

Rat Queens Vol. 2 #1!


“This series is the 2nd volume, as apparently the writer (Kurtis J. Wiebe) and original artist had problems that were unable to be worked out. So there has been a bit of a delay since we have seen a new issue of Rat Queens.

“That aside, the book is pretty much just as it was for volume 1. If you are interested in a Dungeons & Dragons/fantasy-type tale then this will be right up your alley. The Rat Queens are a group of women of different races/classes. They go on adventures in towns and through the countryside. The book is a lot of fun, though certainly on the mature side due to language and other adult content. The new artist – Owen Gieni – does a great job of capturing the storyline and the characters expressions. The stories are a lot of fun with the main characters getting into all sorts of trouble! If you are wanting something besides the traditional superhero/zombie storylines then you should give this book a try!”


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